
Buddhism A to Z by Ron Epstein and Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Return to Buddhism A to Z Index, Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS), Buddhism A to Z Bibliography

List of Introductory Readings

For a general understanding of basic Buddhist teachings, start with the entries in Group I, then move on to Group II, and so forth. If you want information on a particular topic, read the specific entry that most closely approximates your topic, then check the entries listed after the “SEE ALSO” at the end of the entry, then check the sources listed for that entry in Appendix A: Additional Reference Material for Entries.

Group I

Group II

Group III

Group IV

Group V

Group VI

Group VI:

Technical Notes

Many passages from BTTS publications have been slightly edited and/or retranslated without each specific instance being indicated. In quoted passages some attempt, though not an exhaustive one, has been made to standardize terminology. The following conventions have been adopted:

Two slightly different conventions of romanization have been used for Sanskrit words depending upon whether or not they are treated as English. For those treated as English no diacritical marks will be used, and so the spelling is that English spelling closest to the pronunciation.

The following Sanskrit Buddhist terms have been treated as English words: Arhat, Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Bodhisattva, Buddha, Dharma, Hinayana, karma, Mahayana, Nirvana, PratyekaBuddha, samadhi, Sangha, stupa, sutra, Theravada.

Other Sanskrit words have been italicized to indicate that they have not yet become part of the English language, e.g. asura, bodhi, dhyāna, kalpa, pāramitā, Prajñā, śarīra, skandha, śramaṇa, śrāvaka, upāsaka, upāsikā, vajra. Of course other less well-known non-English terms are also italicized. However, when such foreign terms occur in proper names, they are capitalized but not italicized, e.g. Ānanda, Avataṃsaka, Tathāgata.

Sanskrit terms are pluralized as though they were English, e.g. asuras, Six Pāramitās.

Pinyin is used for the romanization of Chinese words, except for some proper names which retain familiar romanizations. See Appendix C for Comparative Tables of Romanization: Pinyin/Wade-Giles/Yale.

Abbreviations of BTTS Publications

T. - Takakusu and Watanabe, eds. Taisho shinshu Daizokyo.

Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (DRBA): Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. (navbar_drba)

Buddhism (Buddha-Dharma-Sangha): Buddhist Masters (See navbar_buddhist_masters), Buddha Dharma topics, Buddhist glossary, Being a Buddhist means Taking Refuge with Triple Jewel, Buddhas (The Buddha - Shakyamuni - Gautama Buddha - Maitreya - Amitabha - Medicine Buddha - Bhaisajya Guru - Amoghasiddhi - Ratnasambhava), Buddha Dharma - Buddhist Paths - Tripitaka (Sutra - Shastra - Sutrayana - Mahayana - Sravakayana - Pratyekabuddhayana - Pratyekabuddhas - Vinaya-Pratimoksha - Tantra - Buddhist Tantra - Vajrayana - Mantrayana - Mantras, Dharani), Sangha (Buddhist Monks - Buddhist Nuns - Buddhist Laypersons - Upasaka and Upasika), Buddhist Morality and Vows in Buddhism (Five Moral Precepts - Vinaya Buddhist Monk Vows - Buddhist Nun Vows - Pratimoksha - Bodhisattva Vows - Tantric Samaya Vows, Paramitas - Ten Perfections, Four Immeasurables, Four Noble Truths, Two Collections (Merit and Virtue and Wisdom), Blessings, Merit, Virtue; (Vajrayana Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhism, Mongolian Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism: Chinese Buddhism, Vietnamese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism, Korean Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism: Thai Buddhism, Cambodian Buddhism, Sri Lankan Buddhism, What the Future Holds: European Buddhism, American Buddhism), Awesome Buddhism, Buddhism Mobile App. (navbar_buddhism - see also navbar_buddhist_masters, navbar_sangha, navbar_noble_truths, navbar_paramita, navbar_precepts, navbar_immeasurables, navbar_tantra)

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