
Bodhichitta - Bringing Forth the Bodhi Resolve

Return to Bodhi, Compassion (Karuna), Four Unlimited Minds

Sanskrit word for Bodhi resolve, Wish for enlightenment, Mind of enlightenment, Get enlightened for the sake of all living beings

See also Karuṇā (Sanskrit: करुणा), which is generally translated as compassion or mercy and sometimes as self-compassion or spiritual longing (see Bodhichitta).

Bodhi Resolve (bringing forth) 發菩提心

'Bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve' means generating a true intention in your mind to become enlightened. That intention is a seed that can grow into a Buddha. Bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve is the beginning of the Path to Enlightenment.

“When you have your first thought of faith in the Buddha, that's bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. To want to cultivate is called bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. Bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve is simply benefitting others. Not having selfish thoughts of benefitting oneself is bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve.” (FAS Ch17 2-3)

“The Bodhi Resolve arises when, during the course of one's cultivation, one is most single-minded. One becomes a Buddha right here in the world, and it may occur at any time throughout several hundreds of thousands of myriads of aeons. Śākyamuni Buddha cultivated for three great ASAṄKHYEYA kalpas. And how long is an asaṅkhyeya kalpa? It can only be described as a limitless length of time.… That means that Śākyamuni Buddha cultivated for three limitlessly vast expanses of time. Therefore, in the FLOWER ADORNMENT SUTRA we are told how at the time of first bringing forth the Resolve, one realizes Proper and Equal Enlightenment. When one is single-minded to the utmost, the Bodhi Resolve suddenly comes forth, and one becomes a Buddha. It can also happen in one's mind in the course of walking the Path of Bodhi. In cultivating the SIX PĀRAMITĀS and the myriad practices, one is also bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. When one is non-retreating to the point that one would never turn back, one is also bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. By being vigorous day and night, one is also bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. For example, those who live at the WAY-PLACE here do Morning Recitation, work all day long, and then when evening comes, they forget about sleep – even after working so hard all day long. That's all part of bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve. Therefore, you should all be attentive and not reject these aspects of bringing forth the Bodhi Resolve – don't neglect them. Use whatever skill you have in cultivation, and consider the Bodhi Resolve to be your personal]] responsibility and your responsibility toward others. In that way, you will be vigorous in your work. That is how one can be a superior and lofty person.” (FAS Ch5 178-179).

Good man, the Bodhi Resolve brings to realization infinite merit and virtue.… You should know that it is entirely equal to all the merit and virtue of all Buddha Dharmas. Why? It is because the Bodhi Resolve produces all Bodhisattva conduct. It is because the Tathāgatas of the three periods of time are born from the Bodhi Resolve. Therefore, good man, if there are those who have brought forth the resolve for Anuttara-Samyak-Saṃbodhi, they have already given birth to infinite merit and virtue and are universally able to collect themselves and remain on the Path of All-Wisdom. (EDR VIII 77-78)

All Buddhas take a Heart of Great Compassion as their substance. Because of living beings, they gave rise to Great Compassion. Because of Great Compassion, they brought forth the Bodhi Resolve. Because of the Bodhi Resolve, they realized the Proper and Equal Enlightenment. (UW 101)

ALTERNATE TRANSLATIONS: giving rise to / generating / developing the bodhi-mind, developing bodhi in one's heart, setting the Mind on Bodhi, developing the Thought of Enlightenment, the mental attitude which aspires to Buddhahood

SEE ALSO: bodhi, Bodhisattva

Fair Use Sources

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Bodhichitta is the most significant spiritual concept in Buddhism.

In Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhicitta, (“enlightenment-mind” or “the thought of awakening”), is the mind (chitta) that is aimed at awakening (Bodhi), with wisdom (prajna) and compassion (karuna) for the benefit of all sentient beings. Bodhicitta is the defining quality of the Mahayana bodhisattva (a being striving towards Buddhahood) and the act of giving (dana paramita) rise to bodhicitta (bodhicittotpāda) is what makes a bodhisattva a Bodhisattva. The Daśabhūmika Sūtra explains that the arising of bodhicitta is the first step in the bodhisattva's Path (marga).

Snippet from Wikipedia: Bodhicitta

In Mahayana Buddhism, bodhicitta ("enlightenment-mind" or "the thought of awakening") is the mind (citta) that is aimed at awakening (bodhi), with wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Bodhicitta is the defining quality of the Mahayana bodhisattva (a being striving towards Buddhahood) and the act of giving rise to bodhicitta (bodhicittotpāda) is what makes a bodhisattva a bodhisattva. The Daśabhūmika Sūtra explains that the arising of bodhicitta is the first step in the bodhisattva's career.

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