Table of Contents

Four empowerments (Tib. wang shyi; Wyl. dbang bzhi) — in general, and according to the inner tantras, there are four levels or stages within any empowerment:

  1. the vase empowerment (Wyl. bum pa'i dbang; Skt. kalaśābhiṣeka),
  2. the secret empowerment (Wyl. gsang ba'i dbang; Skt. guhyābhiṣeka),
  3. the knowledge-wisdom empowerment (Wyl. shes rab ye shes kyi dbang; Skt. prajñājñānābhiṣeka) and
  4. the precious word empowerment (Tib. tsik wang rinpoche; Wyl. tshig dbang rin po che).

The Function of the Four Empowerments

The Vase Empowerment

The Secret Empowerment

The Transcendent Knowledge-Wisdom Empowerment

The Precious Word Empowerment

Further Reading

Empowerments Enumerations 04-Four